Returns and exchanges
Returns & exchanges
It is important to us that you are happy with your purchase. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, we will happily accept your return. It must be unused and in its original packaging within 30 days of the date of purchase.
All returns must be authorized by our customer service team. Please contact us via email
We will then provide you with instructions to return the item. All returns must be received back to us by 30 days after shipping date or it will not be accepted. The items must be unused in their original packaging with original tags attached.
LaLash reserve the right to deny a refund or exchange if they deem the returns and exchanges policy has not been followed. Items that have been used or tampered with void our returns and exchange policy.
LaLash do not cover the cost of returning goods or take responsibility for packages that are lost on their way back to us . Items returned to us for exchange or refund must be sent via a service that is prepaid and traceable. Original shipping charges are not refundable. Shipping charges will apply for items that are being exchanged for a different item.
Warranty claims
LaLash will refund or exchange faulty products that have been purchased online at within the last 3 months. Genuine manufacturing faults are usually detected during this period. Please take care to ensure that you use and store your bags properly. Do not use any harsh chemicals to clean bags, wear light coloured bags with dark clothing or carry excessive weight in the bags.